
FAQ - Markandey Mahadev Temple

What is the Location of Markandey Mahadev Mandir?
Markandey Mahadev temple (मार्कंडेय महादेव मंदिर) is located at Kaithi in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. t is 8 Kms from Aurihar Railway Station. From road transport it is 28 kms from Varanasi on Varanasi-Ghazipur Highway.
How to reach Markandey Mahadev Mandir in Varanasi?
Generally auto or taxies can be taken to reach here. If need a private tour, then you can hire a private cab/taxi.
What is the temple opening and closing time?
The opening time of the temple is from 4:00 am to 11:00 pm, you can come to visit, Markandeya Mahadev Temple warmly welcomes you. Har Har Mahadev!!
Best Time to Visit Shri Markandey Mahadev Mandir (मार्कंडेय महादेव मंदिर)
You can visit any Markandey Mandir when you want but October to March is best time to visit the Markandey Mahadev Mandir. मार्कंडेय महादेव मंदिर की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी और पूजा विधि के लिए संपर्क करें (Pujari Onkar Nath Giri +91 6394009592/+91 7393898634)
What one can enjoy at Markandey Mahadev Mandir in Varanasi?
If u are a bit spiritual you can meditate here without any interruption. If you wish to explore through depth of Hinduism you can mingle with locals and find out more beliefs among them regarding temple and a lot.